As an organization...  

Are you spending too much of your time dealing with emotional drama at work? 

Do you find that some people are destructive and cause dysfunction among the team yet are oblivious to how they come across?

If you’re ready for the emotional drama and dysfunction to end...

Then you’re in the right place!

Leaders expect their employees to conduct themselves in a professional manner. However, if these employees are not even aware that their behavior is a problem, then, there is zero chance they will change.

What about an employee who has self-awareness but has trouble managing those emotions in the workplace?

As a result, they continue behaving and reacting unprofessionally.

And then, we all wonder why the team is labeled “dysfunctional”.

Emotions Matter

Emotions are a part of our everyday work and how we manage our emotions makes the difference in how we ultimately do our jobs.

Our emotions are a part of being a human, but sometimes, those emotions show up in the workplace in a destructive manner.

This can lead to drama, strained relationships, and team dysfunction.

As a result, the good employees leave and patients have worse outcomes.


Because the ability to manage emotions and control reactions matters.


Studies show

  • Organizations that value and widely use Emotional Intelligence are 3 x more effective at developing their leaders.
  • Over 80% of competencies that differentiate top performers from others are in the domain of EI.
  • Nearly 60% of the founder respondents in a survey reported that in a year shaped by the pandemic and a crisis of racial justice, incorporating EQ into culture is more important now than ever.

Healthcare teams with high emotional intelligence are better able to mitigate the challenges of the healthcare environment. Even when stretched, these same professionals are empowered to become high performing teams. By developing emotional intelligence in your employees, you are providing a roadmap for their success and ultimately, better care to your patients. 

When the healthcare team is competent in Emotional Intelligence, they can overcome any crisis.

Leaders, therefore, need to invest in developing their teams’ emotional intelligence so that they become better.


for a 1-year licensing agreement


Buy now and start feeling good about being a healthcare leader again.


Imagine a world with zero drama. Where every member of the healthcare team was fully aware of how they come across to their peers; was able to manage their reactions to others and was competent in building relationships with the other members of their team.

With our help, you can be a leader in this world.

Tell me if this sounds like you.

You’re spending way too much time and energy dealing with interpersonal drama.

Employees are less engaged and even more unmotivated than ever before.

You wish everyone would show more empathy to each other instead of only considering what’s best for themselves.

You know your team could be so much better, but you don’t know how to “fix” things.

The answer is…

Equip yourself and your team with the skills needed to develop higher emotional intelligence.

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This eProgram is designed to give healthcare professionals and their leaders the practical skills and tools they need to develop higher emotional intelligence in the workplace.


  1. Develop key emotional intelligence (EI) competencies that create a psychologically safe work culture.
  2. Recognize and understand emotions in yourself and in others.
  3. Adopt a resilient mindset when faced with negative employees.
  4. Implement five EI based strategies to build a cohesive, professional workplace culture.

Meet Your Instructor

Bonnie Artman Fox, MS, LMFT

Bonnie Artman Fox started her career as a Registered Nurse where she often found herself at the bedside talking with her patients about the impact of their medical condition on their emotional health. She obtained her master’s degree in psychiatric nursing and as she saw more change happen in people’s lives when the family was involved, she became a Licensed Family Therapist. 

For several years Bonnie ran her own private practice helping families get along and reconcile relationships. 

Her focus now is helping individuals and teams get along by developing the interpersonal skills that build team cohesiveness ...including talking about the MokitaTM (no, it’s not a drink) rather “the elephant in the room”. 

And in this eProgram, she’s here to share how you can do the same! 

Bonnie joined the Healthy Workforce Institute in 2018 as a content expert in conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, and team building. She is a best-selling author, Accredited Leadership Coach and current co-president of the Pittsburgh Chapter of the National Speakers Association. 

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Why this matters to me...

In her 30+ years working in behavioral health, Bonnie quickly identified that at the root of many disagreements and broken relationships was unresolved conflict and lack of emotional intelligence. So, she decided to focus her time and energy on helping healthcare professionals resolve conflict and develop emotional intelligence competence in a way that brings the team together, improves their relationships, and actually, creates opportunity to strengthen the team.

About the Program

This eProgram is designed to be delivered as a facilitated workshop. The 90-minute workshop is divided into two, 45-minute pre-recorded sessions and includes instructions for the facilitator, handouts, resources, and activities.

Facilitators are encouraged to play each pre-recorded video and then engage their audience in activities to help them apply what they learned in practice. Through meaningful assessments, quizzes, and discussion questions, the audience are then able to walk away from the sessions with clarity regarding emotional intelligence and how better to manage emotions as a team.

Delivery Options...

Over the years working with healthcare organizations, we’ve learned a thing or two about how best to deliver this content.

Developing Emotional Intelligence for a Healthier Workforce was designed to be flexible and easily adaptable to any healthcare team, whether clinical or non-clinical.  

Several delivery options are available to you to allow for flexibility with schedules and consider other educational offerings.

  • Self-Study:  You may ask employees to watch parts 1 and 2 on their own and then attend a debriefing session where you can then enhance their learning through facilitated conversations about the content.
  • Group Education: You may invite employees to attend these educational sessions as a workshop and show each video, pause, ask the questions provided, and engage them in conversations about the content as a group.
  • Hybrid: You may decide a hybrid version works well for you. Some organizations will ask their employees to watch just part 1 and then bring them together and engage them in conversations. Then ask them to watch part 2, etc. 
  • Annual Competency:  Employees can be asked to watch these as a part of their annual competency or performance improvement plan.
  • Orientation: You can also include this digital program in your orientation for new hires and new nurse residency programs.
  • Leadership Development:  You may decide to incorporate content into new or existing leadership development courses.

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Who can facilitate discussions with employees?

The instructions are easy to read and simple to follow.  All that’s required is a willingness to read and follow them. Each section contains step by step instructions that go over everything you need to present that portion of the presentation to your team, including a video recording, copy of the slide deck, facilitator’s guide, group activities and additional resources to help you utilize the content for maximum impact. 

Facilitators may include:

  • A front-line manager or director
  • A hospital-wide or unit-based educator
  • An assistant manager or charge nurse
  • Someone from Human Resources or Organizational Development
  • Anyone who has an interest in this topic and has good communication skills

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eProgram Outline:

1. Instructions

2. Part 1 - Video 1

  • Recording
  • Copy of slides
  • Handout for participants to follow along and take notes
  • Facilitation guide with questions for Emotional Intelligence discussion
  • Resource – “What if You are the Bully?”
  • Resource – “Shift: From Reacting to Responding”

3. Part 2 – Video 2

  • Recording
  • Copy of slides
  • Handout for participants to follow along and take notes
  • Facilitation guide with questions for Emotional Intelligence discussion
  • Resource – “Dismantle the Drama Triangle” 
  • Resource – “Stay out of the Drama Triangle”


  • How long is this eProgram?

    120 minutes, including activities

  • How long do I have access?

    This eProgram is designed as a 1-year licensing agreement

  • How many times can we deliver this content?

    Unlimited. You have a license for 1-year and can deliver the program as often as you like, with as many employees as possible!

Additional Questions?


We are here to help.

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Contact Bobbie at:

[email protected]

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Who is this eProgram for?

  • Nurses

  • Technicians

  • Therapists

  • Educators

  • Physicians

  • Support Staff

  • Non-clinical Employees (EVS, Dietary, etc.)

  • Human Resources Representatives

How does this work?

  • Step 1

    Enroll Now!

  • Step 2

    Start the program!

  • Step 3

    Become more emotionally intelligent!


Imagine a world where healthcare employees were competent and worked well as a team; where they went out of their way to support each other; a world where they always communicated in a respectful manner. Imagine a world where nobody wanted to leave because they felt so supported by their co-workers.

Imagine a world with ZERO DRAMA!

Imagine being a leader in this world.

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Emotional Intelligence matters!

Stop wishing people would just change their behavior. You have to teach them by first making them aware.

That’s Emotional Intelligence





That’s what you and your team will get in this program.


Buy now and start feeling good about being a healthcare leader again.

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To find out what other resources we have to cultivate a healthy workforce, visit us at:

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