There is an epidemic of bullying and incivility in healthcare that not only affects morale and turnover, but it also affects patient outcomes. The problem is that healthcare organizations aren’t doing a good job making sure their employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to confront disruptive behaviors.

As a result, we are hemorrhaging really great employees and harming the very patients whom we’re serving.

New employees are not leaving for better compensation down the street – they are leaving because of how they’re being treated by their co-workers.

We can no longer afford to use silence as a strategy.  

How are you making sure that every team member you hire is equipped to become a part of the solution – not the problem? 

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The good news is that our research shows that when you provide every member of the interprofessional team with the knowledge and practical skills to confront disruptive behaviors, they don’t suffer in silence and then quit. They help to improve the culture by taking a stand against bullying and incivility.

And, as a bonus, they don’t become the bullies.

We made this easy for you to equip your employees to address bullying and incivility in our new eCourse,


Licensing Options

Interested in < 1,000 or > 5,000 employees? No problem! Contact Cheryl Fletcher, Director of Education and Research at: [email protected]

Tell me if this sounds like you…

  • You spend time and energy recruiting new employees only to watch them quit. Your recruitment rate is barely keeping up with your turnover rate resulting in a net zero additional staff.

  • When asked by your current employees about getting the help they need, you keep making promises that you’re doing the best you can to recruit but you feel like you’re on a hamster wheel.

  • What you want is to recruit great employees who stay.

We can help get you off that wheel!

Give your new and existing employees the help they need to confront any incidents of disruptive behaviors so they stay.

In this 1-hour educational program, individuals will gain knowledge and learn practical strategies they can immediately implement to address disruptive behaviors within their work environment. 

When individuals are equipped to address disruptive behaviors in the moment it cultivates a healthy work culture of mutual respect across all teams and disciplines.

Upon completion of this educational content, participants will:

  1. Recognize behaviors that undermine a culture of safety and respect.
  2. Distinguish the differences between bullying, incivility, and someone having a bad day.
  3. Generalize three strategies to cultivate a professional and respectful work environment.

Meet Your Instructor

Renee Thompson, DNP, RN, FAAN, CSP | CEO & Founder of the Healthy Workforce Institute

With more than 30 years as a clinical nurse, nurse educator, and nurse executive, Dr. Renee Thompson is a leading authority on workplace bullying and creating professional work environments. Known internationally for her work to eradicate bullying and workplace incivility in healthcare, Renee is a sought-after keynote speaker, consultant, and professional development resource to healthcare organizations worldwide. 

Renee is the CEO & Founder of The Healthy Workforce Institute. As the author of 4 books, Renee has been repeatedly published, interviewed, and awarded for her work to educate, connect, and inspire current and future nurses. Her blog is ranked annually as one of the top “must-read” blogs for nurses of all backgrounds. 

Renee is one of only 30 nurses in the world who have achieved the prestigious certified speaking professional designation, has received the Excellence in Nursing Award as an entrepreneur, and was the first ever recipient of the Outstanding Nursing Alumni award from her alma mater. In 2018, she was recognized as one of LinkedIn’s Top Ten Voices in Healthcare for her contributions to their global community. 

Renee holds a Masters degree in Nursing Education and a Doctorate of Nursing Practice, both from the University of Pittsburgh.

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Why this matters...

I remember walking into work as a bedside nurse and looking at the assignment board. It wasn’t to see what patients I was caring for – it was to see who I was working with! There were some colleagues that immediately caused me to feel a surge of hydrochloric acid in my stomach because I knew it was going to be a rough shift.

However, I had no idea how to address their behaviors. And, neither did my boss.

Many years later, I became a front line manager in a department that had the worst reputation of any unit in the entire 700 bed hospital.

And again, I had no idea how to address their behaviors. And, neither did my executives.

Working in healthcare is hard enough without the people who work there making it harder.

We have important work to do! And that’s why I’ve devoted my life to finally putting an end to bullying and incivility in healthcare.

For any questions on the licensing options, Contact Cheryl Fletcher, Director of Education and Research at: [email protected]

She will take good care of you! 

• • •

I know what it’s like to get excited about hiring new staff during a staffing crisis. I also know the disappointment of receiving their resignation letter.

I don’t want this to happen to you.

The #1 reason employees quit is because of a bad culture. That’s why I’ve dedicated my life to equipping leaders and healthcare teams with the knowledge and practical strategies to finally address workplace bullying and incivility. When employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to confront bullying and incivility, they are more engaged and they stay..

We have important work to do in healthcare and zero time dealing with bullying and incivility.

I promise you, by giving your employees access to this course, they will feel more confident in their ability to recognize and address disruptive behaviors.


  • How long is this eCourse?

    60 minutes

  • How long do I have access?

    1 year

Who is this eProgram for?

This course is designed for ALL employees upon hire (during orientation) and as an annual review.

  • Leaders

  • Nurses

  • Physicians

  • Support Staff

  • Therapists

  • Non-clinical Employees (EVS, Dietary, etc.)

  • Administrators

  • Human Resources Representatives


How does this work?

  • Step 1

    Contact our Academy Specialist, Cheryl Fletcher, who can help you decide which licensing agreement works best for your organization: [email protected]

  • Step 2

    Determine your launch date.

  • Step 3

    Stop bullying and incivility!


Imagine if you could hardwire and sustain a culture where bullying and incivility were immediately rejected and professionalism and respect became the new norm.

Where employees felt so supported by their co-workers that they never wanted to leave.

Wouldn’t it be great to be a leader in this organization.

It can happen. We've seen it!

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Stop losing good employees!

Start equipping them so that they stay.

Additional Questions?


We are here to help.

 • • •

Contact Cheryl Fletcher, Director of Education and Research at: 

[email protected] or CLICK HERE to schedule a call.

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